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Porter Ranch Elementary

This is the sixth year that I have been the vocal music teacher at Porter Ranch Community School. I am at Porter Ranch two days a week. The program has evolved to the point where I now teach every elementary class eight 50-minute lessons during the school year.  Every group of students play the ukulele during their music session.  The classes sing, play instruments and learn grade level music concepts and skills. All of the grade level groups perform in a grade level winter performance.

This school is a “Leader in Me” school. I have reinterpreted the "7 Habits of Happy Kids" from the Leader in Me website to apply to performing. I call it the “7 Habits of Performance” to guide students in a way that blends with the school’s philosophy.

Many students at Porter Ranch take private music lessons or are part of the school orchestra.

My name is Dash. I can play music so I help Ms. Marshall teach in music class.

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